Break the Glass, Shout L’Chaim!

Signing and displaying a newly married couple’s Ketubah is just one of many great traditions of a Jewish wedding—just ask anyone who’s been before!

Another trademark of the ceremony is the breaking of the glass.  As the final step (literally!) of the wedding under the Chuppah, the groom seals the deal by breaking the glass. Be sure to check out the great explanation of a full traditional ceremony by great folks of Jewish Wedding Info.

We love it when cultural tradition creeps into daily life.  During a trip to Israel I was thrilled to hear a whole restaurant shout “L’Chaim!” when a waiter dropped a plate making the loud crashing sound typical of a glass breaking.

Hanging out with the This Is Not A Ketubah crew reminds me of the same feeling of joy, excitement, and awesome peoplehood I felt while in that restaurant in Israel.  The idea of using this cultural landmark while in a completely secular place struck me as not only incredibly creative (I wish it would happen in New York, too!), but also taking a traditional theme and making it—for lack of a better word—cool!

Each day we strive to create beautiful—maybe even funky—handmade works of art which speak directly to the couples who are about to break the glass. We ecstatically work with young fiancés to customize their ideas into something real, and they would want to see each and every day of their marriage.

At This Is Not A Ketubah we’re convinced that our Ketubahs ought to match the style and grace of the new Bride and Groom’s home, and they will proudly display their incredible marriage contract-cum- modern art in their home.

So while breaking the glass might be the most well-known part of the Jewish wedding, we like to dwell on another long-lasting way to remember your wedding: a beautiful custom Ketubah, created just for you!

Back to the Main Ketubah Gallery!

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