Conservative Text with Lieberman Clause? You Betcha!

One of the most common questions we get is, “Do you have the Conservative Text with the Lieberman Clause, on your Ketubot?” and our response is, “Yes!” — a rounding, “Yes!!”.

Now, lets explain in detail.

First, our big vision is to make sure that we can find your perfect Ketubah text. Your rabbi wants a particular text — we’ll get it!

Second, the conservative text with the Lieberman Clause is our most popular text. So we’re very familiar with it.

Third, what the &!@#(! is it? Let me explain. It’s the traditional Ketubah text that Jews have used for thousands of years, but with one change. The conservative movement in the US didn’t like some of the provisions in the contract — because it gave men more rights in getting a “get” (divorce) than women — so a rabbi at JCS named… wait for it… Rabbi Lieberman added in a clause, that women can equally initiate a divorce. So, this text is basically: the traditional text but with this added sentence.

Sound like it’s on target for you? We’d love to create a conservative ketubah for you, using the Lieberman clause!

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